Steph's Blog

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Location: Park City, Kansas, United States

I am saved by grace and because I believe in the true healer and forgiver, Jesus Christ. I have been married to a wonderful, gentle, respectful, handsome, and loving man for almost 4 years. We have a cute little doggie named Ranger who is happy all the time and stinks a little.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Under the Weather

Recently I have been struggling with this cold/sinus infection. It has been so bad that my head and face feels like it is on fire. Just today I had my doctor call me in some antibiotics which I hope really clears up the infection. So, tomorrow I plan on going back to work. I have used so much sick time in the past week. It just isn't like me to miss this much work. I usually go in spirts like this so I will go back to work 100% and not look back. That is my plan anyway! If you are reading this I would appreciate a prayer for complete wellness by God's hand. Thanks to all my friends and family who have already prayed this for me. I love you all! Good night.